May 3 – May 10 –  Barcelona to Home

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I flew home on May 3rd but didn’t get to SFO until 11pm.  I stayed at SFO Hotel and took BART home on Sunday morning.  Spent this week getting back into my life in Pleasanton.   Came home with slight cold but otherwise all is well.

This trip was too long. I really enjoyed my cruise. I enjoyed everything I did in Spain (except the bullfight).  BUT 33 days was too long. There was only one day that I took off to rest. I think I need more.

I’m still in touch with Jordan and Steve from the cruise.  

Next up is a 4 day meditation retreat in September.   In October, I’ll be taking a solo cruise from Montreal to Ft Lauderdale.   Now I’ll start planning for 2025.

Thanks for following my blog.   See you soon.


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